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Good chocolate

The best chocolates in the world

In our chocolate online shop you will find fine chocolate bars , chocolate-coated fruits , pralines , nuts and much more. At Chocolats-de-luxe.de there are currently around 1,000 different chocolates from around 50 chocolatiers - and there are more and more!

Michaela Schupp , the German Chocolate Sommelière publishes the objective list of the best chocolates in the world. Among other things, she is the “Grand Juror” of the “ International Chocolate Awards ” and examines the German, European and worldwide chocolate landscape year after year. The best chocolates in the world then find their way into the SCHUPP LISTE , the most important chocolate guide in Germany and Europe.
Take your time to browse our online chocolate shop and let yourself be surprised by the ever-changing compositions. The chocolate shop chocolats-de-luxe.de stands for excellent quality. This is a prerequisite for the chocolate to be offered on our site.

Manufacturers and chocolatiers

At Chocolats-de-luxe.de we value the best chocolates in the world. Of white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark chocolate (dark chocolate and dark) Find the artisanal chocolatiers who grow on its own plantations of cocoa him either processed on the spot and or first tumble growing country according to specifications, roast and then process in their home countries . Even today - and actually more than ever - chocolate processing is an art. These chocolatiers who make this effort create the chocolate bean-to-bar , i.e. from the bean to the bar on their own! This is the only way to influence the taste and get the best aromas out of the cocoa beans.
Our range of chocolate currently includes the creations of over 50 selected chocolate manufacturers from 17 countries: the best chocolates from Akesson's , Amano , Amedei , Antidote , Aux Anysetiers du Roy, Beck's Cocoa , Beschle Chocolatier Suisse, Cacaoyere, Caffarel , Café Mug, Claudio Corallo , Chocolate de la Villa Real , Chocolataria Equador , Chocovic, Clement Chococult, Cluizel , Dolci Pensieri di Calabria , Dolfin , Domori , Duffy's , El Ceibo, Friis-Holm , Galler , Grenada Chocolate , La Molina, Leone , Mademoiselle de Margaux , Maglio , Malagasy, Manon, Marou , Mast Brothers, Mazet , Meisterwerk, Mozna Chocolate, Pacari , Pamaco , Pralus , Prestat London, Rio Napo , Rovira , Rococo , Schell , Slitti , Stainer, Tobago Estate Chocolate , Tcho, Tiroler Edle , Venchi , Weiss , Willie's Cacao , Zotter . And there are always new chocolate manufacturers joining ...

The manufacture of chocolate

To this day, making chocolate has not been an easy task. If the bitter-tart, dried cocoa beans are to be turned into a tasty sweet, the dried beans must first be roasted, peeled and ground. By pressing the cocoa mass strongly, the cocoa butter separates from the mass, producing heavily or slightly de-oiled cocoa powder. Van Houten, still a well-known brand today, first succeeded in separating cocoa butter from cocoa mass in 1815. Van Houten was the inventor of cocoa powder. To make chocolate, the two are mixed again or not separated at all, and cocoa butter may be added to round off the intense taste of the cocoa.

The history of chocolate

The Spanish conquerors not only discovered a new continent, but also a drink called Xocolatl , which the locals made from the cocoa beans. The beans were ground and given water and spices. The rich cacahualt drink was served and drunk in honor of the gods. The cocoa beans were also used as a means of payment, which shows how important the bean was in Central and South America at the time. All advanced cultures, from the Olmecs to the Maya to the Aztecs, knew the value and usefulness of the bean. Cocoa contains all the minerals and vitamins the body needs , except for vitamin C, which grew on the citrus trees. The European explorers also made use of the valuable nutrients in cocoa and prescribed their soldiers a bowl of the healthy Xocolatl drink every day.

The cocoa came to the Spanish royal court in Europe via the conquerors. The farm's cooks refined the original drink by adding honey and sugar to adapt the drink to European tastes. Drinking chocolate began its triumphal march through coffee houses. It was not until 1847 that the British company Fry & Sons succeeded in producing a chocolate bar as we know it today. For those with a sweet tooth, chocolate history truly opened up a new world.


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